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2007.06.12 .
too tired - sleep sleep sleep.

2007.06.11 .

courtney's first day working with vocals. (no longer a live webcam image)

didn't go very well.  i'm not sure what happened.  maybe i didnt push in any direction hard enough for anything to actually be set into motion. i don't know.  oh well.  i gave her a cd with three songs for her to practice with so we can go from there and see what happens.

2007.6.10 .
the release date for god is void may be pushed back.  i'm not going to say right now because i've had bursts of creativity before that have caused five full tracks to be done in less than a week and a half.  today i did a little work. have been side tracked a whole lot though.  anxious to get in and play with the shit i figured out yesterday.

2007.6.09 .
later in the day:
the musicians will understand this entirely: ever messing around with things you have been using for a long time and discover it can do something you had no idea it could do? and what it can do is so god damn cool that you know with absolute certain that it will be used in a lot of the things you will do from that time onward? oh yes. oh hell yes. great discoveries. heh.

early in the day:
neato fucking frito.  i just wanted to use the word fuck.  i finished ice cream throat today.  well, that was the working title.  i'm sure it's going to be renamed when it's worked into this record.

as you can see it's noise.  heh.  what i did was just loaded up an Industrial Noise NN-XT sample disc and thought "what in the hell would i use all of these samples for over several songs?"  and instantly wondered what would happen if i just tried to make one song with just those samples.  it was fun, for sure.  might add stuff to it, though.  might?  i'm sure i will.

2007.6.08 .
no fucking time at all since last post.  i wrote this today, want to actually get it worked into THIS album.


Midnight Sunrise

chill on the air
no breeze to feel
my legs fatigued
i saw unreal

the stars rising
pulling pillars of smoke
thunder rolling in
no words could be spoke

dropped the paper
i ran inside
checked the t.v.
my thoughts collide

every channel
red white and blue
national anthem
this is the news?

all circuits busy
internet down
the usual movement
down in the town
followed by an instant sunrise


2007.5.31 .
no time. but i did take some time to read this, and freak myself out real good (seeing as the underground command center structures are under me and all over the place underground around the area i live)

2007.5.30 .
had an angery end at work today.  started a new track. was trying to find a melody i liked before giving up for the day and since i didnt find anything i liked fuck it. i cut out the longest string out of them all (too lazy to bother with cutting together something that sounds cool without fucking off and hitting wrong notes here and there.) figured i would share this bit.

might as well share this bit too.  who knows if it'll turn into anything.

I'm pretty sure this one is going to turn out better than the previous two.  Maybe that's just going to be in my eyes because I've been excited about working with guitars more and more in tracks.  And since all of the audio right now in that clip was done with my guitar other than the beat layer, good times are ahead for me in that regard.

2007.5.29 .
well, i wanted to get an hour in today but didn't find the time.

2007.5.28 .
memorial day.  was busy the entire day, unfortunately.

2007.5.27 .
a long and fruitful day.  i pushed through a nice 3:32 rough draft of what i started yesterday.  pretty fucking good for a rought draft i must say.  usually i have a long long list of shit i want to change and/or replace.  not so much, this time.   it may sound like a lot, but i hate all of the melodies.  that's just a few passes with the keyboard though - to fix.  well, CAN BE.  assuming i dont blow ass again tomorrow.  the beat structure i'm in love with and most likely keeping as is.  well, besides audio level tweaking.

2007.5.26 .
started a totally different track today.  took the charlie clouser approach.  lets see how this goes.

2007.5.25 .
starting something i'm going to try and keep a total secret 'till release day.

2007.5.24 .
a lost day.

2007.5.23 .
no time today, pisses me off because i have something i want to start.

2007.5.22 .
same as yesterday, really.  looking forward to a three day weekend.  i think i'll take one of the three days off but i'm going to try and bust huge ass on god is void for two of the days.  wish me luck, folks!

2007.5.21 .
pretty much just worked, came home, did some shit i had to do and crashed.

2007.5.20 .
Working on Lost Faith more.  I've been embracing noise more and more since I started work on Point of Access.  I think the reasoning for that more than anything is my sister telling me there really wasn't much noise in my music back when I was working on what became The Death of it All.

I'm really happy with what was done today.  Turning out quite well.  It's nice when a day produces something I like rather than something I know nobody's going to ever hear because it makes ME want to jump off of something that's going to cause me to land on my arms and break them to the point of being unable to pick up a guitar or even use a mouse and keyboard.

2007.5.19 .
Started last night (after writing 5.18) on a track titled lost faith. Not sure where I'm going with it.  I want to make this about my fall from Lutheranism.  I was raised a Lutheran up until about the age of 16-17 when I lost the last bit of faith in the God I was taught about.  I was excited this morning when I was rifling through samples and came across what sounds EXACTLY like the pipe organ we had at church.  I was looking for a realistic sounding piano.  I was hoping to find the one I used on part of Unrest but didn't.  I'm much happier with this more fitting Pipe Organ sample set. 

2007.5.18 .
I was only home about an hour today.  No work done here.  Sadly.

2007.5.17 .
had no time.  work, errands, work out, bed.

2007.5.16 .
"Burning" is pretty much done.  I did a lot of work on it today while I had time stuck sitting here unable to get to work.  Fucking KICK ASS.

2007.5.15 .
unfortunately there was no time to work on it today.

2007.05.14 .
today i spent the short amount of time i had working on tweaking what exists on Burning.  this one's fast.  i'm doing a fast one partially to please some people who have requested new fast ones but mostly because i have a lot of fucking anger to get out.

2007.05.13 .
i wish i had more time

2007.05.12 .
started production on a track i'm calling burning.  the name may change to violence or something of that nature.  but right now it's burning in text and in mind. 

2007.05.11 .
today was a fairly long day.  it ended early when i fell asleep watching short circuit with beth. tomorrow is another day.

2007.05.10 .
working on the cover of "keep talking" by pink floyd.   this is one of the tracks that are going to be on this release. we have also been working on "paint it black" by the rolling stones.    as stated previously, the new versions of fighting the current, headlong staircase and technetics will be on this as well.