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NIN 01

01 . A Mixture of Nightmares
02 . Complications of the Eyelids
03 . Sleeping in Time
04 . Adrift and Asleep
05 . Ghostly Dreams
06 . Right Where Sleep Belongs
07 . The Decayed Cycle
08 . The Sum of Sleep
09 . A Warm Sleep
10 . Frail Slumber
11 . The Day of the Quiet Nap


M E A N T    F O R    S L E E P I N G


 1:1 . v1 .
500x500 . 1000x1000
16:10 . v1 .
1280x800 . 1440x900
1680x1050 . 1920x1200
16:9 . v1 .
1280x720 . 1600x900
1920x1080 . 2560x1440
4.3 . v1 .
1024x728 . 1152x864
1280x960 . 1600x1200

full graphic

listen on YouTube

[ Vent 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 . 06 . 07 ] . [ NIN 01 . 02 . 03 ] . [ Zero 01 ]

download full record in .zip format.

I once worked in a production facility among various machines.  It got to the point I couldn't sleep anymore.  I just thought it was far too quiet, even with music on.  I tried all kinds of music.  So I made this.  Originally it was much shorter but I expanded it as required over time. 

The tracks were made mostly with the track title core.  I don't honestly remember for sure, but I do know I didn't sequence anything.  Took things, stretched them, flipped them, altered EQ, overlayed, overlayed, reversed.  And this is what happened.

It really helped me sleep a hell of a lot.