Symphony of Noise





Pre-Purchase Discontinued
Those of you who pre-purchased will still receive the emails every bit as often as you've been receiving them. New SoN/HAL content will keep flowing.

I would rather people support me through bandcamp subscriptions. This will accomplish the same thing as a preorder does for Infinite Machine - but not only that, it will give old content and bandcamp exclusives, as well as all future albums as the subscription continues. There is so much completed in folders (as email recipients know) that at least one album will be done this year, regardless of what it turns out to be. Next year I'm sure two to four will get done.  There's so much stuff, as more and more gets cut to other projects, others just get left behind. As those build up they'll make up new ZERO releases.

HATE ALL LISTENERS: visit here for alternate audio project by Erik Smith (creator of Symphony of Noise)



  SoN Logo Decal (Black)      
This decal is the logo only, applicable
to any glass or smooth surface.
$6.35 w/S&H

All transactions handled
through PayPal




  T-Shirt w/Logo   T-Shirt w/Corner Graphic   T-Shirt w/Full Graphic  
Graphic Color
Graphic Option
Graphic Option